Sunday, August 31, 2008

Career Success - 10 Great Tips to Get Ahead

Here are the 10 career advancement tips for you to take note. These are also the qualities that a boss is looking for when promoting someone to a higher position:

1. Self-improvement and self-evaluation:
Able to look at yourself critically and change your disposition for the better.

2. Able to accept criticism:
To err is human. Willing to listen and accept constructive criticism and learn from past mistakes.

3. Be reliable:
Get into the good books of the boss. Cultivate the trust of your boss in you. Get things done as promised in a timely fashion.

4. Be meticulous:
Follow the example of the Japanese workers. They are very serious at work. When they are in doubt even for a small matter they will not assume things and they will seek clarification from their bosses.

5. Create job satisfaction:
When you are happy at work you will work harder and smarter. You also give your total commitment.

6. Assume the role of your boss:
Able to take on responsibilities more than your scope of work as if you were the owner the company.

7. Take initiative:
When things do not turn up as planned you come up with a workable solution instead of asking your boss for help.

8. Articulateness:
Able to speak and write fluently and clearly in more then one language. 9. A positive image: You are in good health and you are confident of yourself.You are perceived to be well-informed, intelligent and bright. Always wear a smile and make yourself likable.

10. Good people skills:
Able to motivate others and get things done through them.

Written by Charles Chua C. K at - Come to my site for more tips on personal development.
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